13764 flashes &


Rating: 1.57 (54)
hits: 2823
size: 6.7 MB
posted: 20.12.2014
approved by: LordJebe
Music video - Humor - v=T8LP7IXFo5o
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All 2015 calendar flashes

Dagobah advent calendar 2015 + christmas theme. Sorry for the delay :)

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12345 flashes

Dagobah Flash Gallery

comments for Sonic_vs_goku.swf
I'm not an expert, but I believe that the sprites are 16 and 32 bits...
#1 - Djingle - 12/21/2014 - 14:43
Well, to be hyper specific about it...

The Sonic sprites are from the Sega Genesis. The Genesis had a 16/32-bit cpu, but the system was only capable of showing 64 colors at any given time -- meaning sprites had 6 bits per pixel.

The Goku sprites are from the Super Nintendo. The SNES had a 16-bit cpu and 15-bit color space, BUT each sprite was limited to a specific 16 color palette -- 4 bits per pixel.

It's correct that they're from 16-bit systems, but in terms of color depth, they weren't even 8-bit.
#2 - Anonymous - 12/21/2014 - 19:27
Most of the rap didn't even rhyme. Who cares about pixels?
#3 - megamagicmonkey - 12/22/2014 - 04:57
Wouldn't it be funnier, if they sat like two gentlemen near chimney, talking to each other about similarities and differences and had a mad fight at the end?
#4 - Domester - 12/22/2014 - 12:49
I wonder who's the ripoff of the other...

yellow hair after transformation? check
7 chaos emeralds = 7 dragonballs? check
#5 - nyo - 01/05/2015 - 16:49
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