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Rating: 4.01 (291)
hits: 14653
size: 35.1 MB
posted: 20.3.2011
approved by: sinnfreichan
Music video - Touhou - epic tag - v=AGGf_cgtWAw
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comments for Priere_PV.swf
eng. subs:
#1 - sinnfreichan - 03/20/2011 - 16:40
Epic overload.
#2 - LordJebe - 03/20/2011 - 17:29
needs epic tag
#3 - jj - 03/20/2011 - 20:41
I will shit my pants if they do a anime with the back story and all in this type of quality production!
#4 - tenkikunbah - 03/20/2011 - 20:43
*Sakuya opening* the doors open as minecraft Lololololol
#5 - Berto90 - 03/20/2011 - 22:08
I wonder why I didn't think about a Touhou anime before.

It might actually make for a great anime, if done for an adult audience.
Otherwise it'd probably make a very mediocre moe-fest.
#6 - lawl - 03/20/2011 - 23:58
I think I'd like to see an anime like that for an adult audience, it would work out quite well. :-D
#7 - CaptianCommando - 03/21/2011 - 01:17
A Summer Day's Dream
its an unofficial anime about touhou
#8 - Kingjak - 03/21/2011 - 08:48
Link for this on Youtube or such?
#9 -   - 03/21/2011 - 20:14
Thanks #6, gonna go ahead and watch that.
#10 - lawl - 03/22/2011 - 03:22
Err, #8.

Comments need an edit function. :P
#11 - lawl - 03/22/2011 - 03:23
Adult audience = perpetually pubescent manchild audience, AKA "yes, please impose more emo bullshit and pathetic grimdark flailings onto them vidya games!!"

Japan's ever increasingly bloated anime industry produces more trash than you could ever fag over, and yet you have some bizarre desire to pull a game series based on humor and whimy into some cesspit of miserable idiocy.

Why not just post on your anime message boards about how Elfen Lied touched your tortured teenage soul or something instead of seeking to stain a perfectly good product at every turn?
#12 - Anonymous - 03/22/2011 - 19:21
WIth eng/spa subs
Happened to have it in my favs
#13 - Grimweaper - 03/22/2011 - 19:28
Why did it turn out to be like this?
Everyone should be happy and have a tea party together.
Tunnistajat tunnistaa.
#14 - Anonymous - 03/23/2011 - 12:25
Lot of drama here people.
I admit Japan makes some pretty ( ... )ed up shit but atleast they try to make some unique work that touches some intresting subjects. Unlike western media where idiots like Michael Bay make millions and people take it like the bitches they are.
So thank you ill take my "bloated anime industry" every day over that shit and I still like classics like "Shawshank redemption" back in the day when entertainment was worth a damn.
Also Elfen Lied was ( ... )ing awsome.

On a more related subject:
Why is the picture of a hungarian medieval count Rákóczi Ferenc who made important moves in the liberation of my country in the start of the video?
What does he have to do with anime chicks?
#15 - Zacsi - 03/24/2011 - 16:24
#16 - Cats777 - 03/24/2011 - 18:52

swing and miss
#17 - Anonymous - 03/27/2011 - 23:49

You guys had Weegee for a prince? F@&%ing Europeans...
#18 - Anon - 04/03/2011 - 23:52
Actually the portrait is about a guy who ruled around balkans few hundred years earlier than Rákóczi Ferenc. As they both have awesome mustache and the portrait is pretty grainy, so they look pretty much same. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlad_tepes he got pretty well known for his habit impaling every ottoman he could get his hands on :F
#19 - Lurk - 04/28/2011 - 11:21
#5 lol it's true
btw I hate "A summer day's dream", it looks like a crapy flash fanmade anime
It doesn't even seem to have a settled argument
#20 - darkcore09 - 05/23/2011 - 06:18
Watched until it restarted. That was a really nasty nightmare she was having there...
#21 - anon - 06/23/2011 - 23:34
This video has a pretty nice little story, first the sisters are locked in their cell by their parents and suddenly they become vampires when the red moon rises and they kill everybody in the house. Sakuya seems to be the only employee who really cared about the sisters and that's why Remilia felt like that when she saw what she did to her, the sisters then took control over the mansion and lived there with their only friend, Sakuya and some other guys who somehow showed up and Remilia seems to be remembering the old things in the end of the video. According to my knowledge, Remilia is older than Flandre, Flandre is about 5-10 years old and they have lived in the mansion for ~490 years after turning in to vampires. Flandres wings don't have skin like her sisters wings do and the crystals hanging from her wings seem to be the same crystals which were used by Patchouli in Touhou EoSD so we can assume that Patchouli gave them to her but for some reason they are hanging from her wings right after becoming a vampire. Touhou is a funny game, it let's people think about the story all by theirselves.
#22 - Touhoufag - 08/22/2011 - 02:26
#15, You really don't recognize Vlad the Impaler, aka Count Dracula?

Anyway, the animation quality was damn nice for a mere PV.
#23 - dee - 10/10/2011 - 02:48
oh shi. oh shi. oh shi. GOD DAMN IT IS AN EPIC!!!!!
#24 - master-bunny - 08/30/2012 - 23:53
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