(Music video - anime - Popotan - NSFW)
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You have arrived to watch Popotan_Game_Intro.swf which is tagged as flash, Music video, anime, anime gallery, anime flash, anime music video, Popotan, NSFW. This file is part of our really large flash collection where you can find many enjoyable and entertaining flash-files. Games, music videos and much more! All users should see Popotan_Game_Intro.swf in full screen. You can also download Popotan_Game_Intro.swf by clicking the size:
4.42 MB at the top of page (left side of tags "Music video - anime - Popotan - NSFW"). To get more specify tags than "(Music video, anime, Popotan, NSFW)", please check and leave a comments. Usually you can find sources of this flash from the comments. It's the plece where you can discuss about this flash.
When watching Popotan_Game_Intro.swf be ready to laugh, cry and use your time! And remember to download Popotan_Game_Intro.swf for your computer.
Tags ( Music video - anime - Popotan - NSFW ) for Popotan_Game_Intro.swf :
Popotan_Game_Intro.swf is from some anime. It's possible that there is anime girls, anime music, anime video or anime music video. "anime" tag means also that it's japanese anime and usually the best anime is only taken to the flashes. (usually there is some sexy anime girl in it :)
Outside Japan, the term usually refers to animation from Japan. Anime is considered a subset of animation. It's like manga but it's moving pictures, like motion while hand drew manga is strokes in the paper. Anime is much more visuable, but usually the manga version is more depth.
Anime has many genres typically found in any mass media form. Such genres include action, adventure, children's stories, comedy, drama, erotica, echii, medieval fantasy, occult/horror, romance, and science fiction.
Most anime includes content from several different genres, as well as a variety of thematic elements.
Anime is commonly referred as an art form. As a visual medium, it naturally places a large emphasis towards visual styles. The styles can vary from artist to artist or by studio to studio. Other stylistic elements are common as well; often in comedic anime, characters that are shocked or surprised will perform a "face fault", in which they display an extremely exaggerated expression. Angry characters may exhibit a "vein" or "stressmark" effect, where lines representing bulging veins will appear on their forehead.
More Anime Flashes
Popotan_Game_Intro.swf is from Popotan. School Rumble is Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy. It's really good echii comedy! Worth to watch anime.
On the grassy plain is a hill that is blooming with dandelion-like flowers. To the worn out European-style building standing there, an elementary school kid named Daichi sneaks in with a camera. He snuck in for the purpose of taking ghost pictures, but instead what he encountered there was--the busty elder sister named Ai, curled up in a bath towel after a bath. As the astonished Daichi fell on his butt, he discovered a wriggly white eel crawling on his chest. And then, his cheeks were embraced by the little third sister Mii, who loved puffy things. Above all this is the circumstances of being treated as a criminal by--the energetic, small chested second sister Mai--and the maid, Mea. But after the residents in this European-style building found out that Daichi wanted desperately to take a photo of ghosts to give to his classmate Asuka, they decided to take on the role of ghosts. (source: 1, 2, 3)
More Popotan Flashes
Popotan_Game_Intro.swf is tagged as music video and it means it's longer than "normal" flashes. Music videos are often called promo videos or simply promos, due to the fact that they are usually promotional devices.
This music video is Anime Music Video (AMV). It's made from anime and it's longer than normal clips. Since is't music video it may take a while to download it. This site have many other anime music videos so you sould check them.
Music videos have nice music (check comments) and some sort of animation. Usually music videos are made to be fun, but there is also not so funny ones. You can download music videos from "download" link. Downloading this music video is totally free.
One popular trend is to remix video clips from computer games, commercials, films, cartoons, and other sources. Among the techniques used are to rearrange clips to change dialog, slowing or speeding some parts, adding taboo sexually suggestive phrases, and/or repeating infectious lines.
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