(humor - anime - Oruchuban Ebichu - NSFW)
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You have arrived to watch Oh_nooo5.swf which is tagged as flash, humor, anime, anime gallery, anime flash, anime music video, Oruchuban Ebichu, NSFW. This file is part of our really large flash collection where you can find many enjoyable and entertaining flash-files. Games, music videos and much more! All users should see Oh_nooo5.swf in full screen. You can also download Oh_nooo5.swf by clicking the size:
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Tags ( humor - anime - Oruchuban Ebichu - NSFW ) for Oh_nooo5.swf :
Oh_nooo5.swf is from some anime. It's possible that there is anime girls, anime music, anime video or anime music video. "anime" tag means also that it's japanese anime and usually the best anime is only taken to the flashes. (usually there is some sexy anime girl in it :)
Outside Japan, the term usually refers to animation from Japan. Anime is considered a subset of animation. It's like manga but it's moving pictures, like motion while hand drew manga is strokes in the paper. Anime is much more visuable, but usually the manga version is more depth.
Anime has many genres typically found in any mass media form. Such genres include action, adventure, children's stories, comedy, drama, erotica, echii, medieval fantasy, occult/horror, romance, and science fiction.
Most anime includes content from several different genres, as well as a variety of thematic elements.
Anime is commonly referred as an art form. As a visual medium, it naturally places a large emphasis towards visual styles. The styles can vary from artist to artist or by studio to studio. Other stylistic elements are common as well; often in comedic anime, characters that are shocked or surprised will perform a "face fault", in which they display an extremely exaggerated expression. Angry characters may exhibit a "vein" or "stressmark" effect, where lines representing bulging veins will appear on their forehead.
More Anime Flashes
Oh_nooo5.swf is tagged to be humorous. It can be adult humor, funny jokes, funny video or even dirty jokes. Well.. In any case it is humor flash. The idea of this is that you just enjoy what you see. Humour can occur when sudden relief occurs from a tense situation "humourific" as formerly applied in comedy referred to the interpretation of the sublime and the ridiculous. In this context, humour is often a subjective experience as it depends on a special mood or perspective from its audience to be effective. Throughout history comedy has been used as a form of entertainment all over the world, whether in the courts of the Western kings or the villages of the far east. Both a social etiquette and a certain intelligence can be displayed through forms of wit and sarcasm.
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