(Music video - Anime - Haruhi - rodeo - NSFW)
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You have arrived to watch MikuruRide.swf which is tagged as flash, Music video, Anime, Haruhi, rodeo, NSFW. This file is part of our really large flash collection where you can find many enjoyable and entertaining flash-files. Games, music videos and much more! All users should see MikuruRide.swf in full screen. You can also download MikuruRide.swf by clicking the size:
7.33 MB at the top of page (left side of tags "Music video - Anime - Haruhi - rodeo - NSFW"). To get more specify tags than "(Music video, Anime, Haruhi, rodeo, NSFW)", please check and leave a comments. Usually you can find sources of this flash from the comments. It's the plece where you can discuss about this flash.
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Tags ( Music video - Anime - Haruhi - rodeo - NSFW ) for MikuruRide.swf :
MikuruRide.swf is from anime called Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu OR The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is one of the best school comedy out there. It's really award winning anime.
Based on Nagaru Tanigawa`s "Suzumiya Haruhi" series of novels.
A far from ordinary school story starts here!
This is a story of Suzumiya Haruhi, who upon enrollment at school announced, "I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, beings from the future, or super-humans, come see me. That is all!"
Naturally, any normal person would think "What the...?" but Haruhi is dead serious. Things get crazy when everyone realizes just how serious she is about it all and establishes the "SOS Dan".
Suzumiya Haruhi is a good-looking high school girl who has a clear head, naughty personality and very egocentric thought. She has an unimaginably tremendous power to change the world, but she is totally unaware of her own power and so she is also unaware of the effect of her power on the outside world.
A delightfully strange, yet marvelously interesting story!
(source: 1, 2, 3)
MikuruRide.swf is tagged as music video and it means it's longer than "normal" flashes. Music videos are often called promo videos or simply promos, due to the fact that they are usually promotional devices.
Music videos have nice music (check comments) and some sort of animation. Usually music videos are made to be fun, but there is also not so funny ones. You can download music videos from "download" link. Downloading this music video is totally free.
One popular trend is to remix video clips from computer games, commercials, films, cartoons, and other sources. Among the techniques used are to rearrange clips to change dialog, slowing or speeding some parts, adding taboo sexually suggestive phrases, and/or repeating infectious lines.
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