(Music video - Touhou - v=--ajgZOx6V4 - NSFW)
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You have arrived to watch Komachi_tats.swf which is tagged as flash, Music video, Touhou, v=--ajgZOx6V4, NSFW. This file is part of our really large flash collection where you can find many enjoyable and entertaining flash-files. Games, music videos and much more! All users should see Komachi_tats.swf in full screen. You can also download Komachi_tats.swf by clicking the size:
9.82 MB at the top of page (left side of tags "Music video - Touhou - v=--ajgZOx6V4 - NSFW"). To get more specify tags than "(Music video, Touhou, v=--ajgZOx6V4, NSFW)", please check and leave a comments. Usually you can find sources of this flash from the comments. It's the plece where you can discuss about this flash.
When watching Komachi_tats.swf be ready to laugh, cry and use your time! And remember to download Komachi_tats.swf for your computer.
Tags ( Music video - Touhou - v=--ajgZOx6V4 - NSFW ) for Komachi_tats.swf :
Komachi_tats.swf is tagged as music video and it means it's longer than "normal" flashes. Music videos are often called promo videos or simply promos, due to the fact that they are usually promotional devices.
Music videos have nice music (check comments) and some sort of animation. Usually music videos are made to be fun, but there is also not so funny ones. You can download music videos from "download" link. Downloading this music video is totally free.
One popular trend is to remix video clips from computer games, commercials, films, cartoons, and other sources. Among the techniques used are to rearrange clips to change dialog, slowing or speeding some parts, adding taboo sexually suggestive phrases, and/or repeating infectious lines.
Komachi_tats.swf is Touhou flash. The Touhou Project (東方Project Tōhō Purojekuto?), also known as Toho Project or Project Shrine Maiden, is a series of manic shooters made by Team Shanghai Alice whose sole member is Japanese game maker ZUN, who does all the graphics, music, and programming.[1] The Touhou Project began in 1996 with the release of the first game, Highly Responsive to Prayers, developed by the group Amusement Makers for the Japanese NEC PC-9801 series of computers. The next four Touhou games released between August 1997 and December 1998 also were released on the NEC PC-9801. The Touhou Project was inactive for the next three and half years until the first Microsoft Windows Touhou game, The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, was released in August 2002 solely by ZUN after he split from Amusement Makers and started Team Shanghai Alice. As of August 2008, five more games in the main Touhou series have been produced by ZUN, along with two games made in conjunction with Twilight Frontier, and a spin-off by ZUN entitled Shoot the Bullet.
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